For Modern Greek, the following sounds are cross-linguistically rare, and certainly rare among European languages:
- ɣ ~ ʝ: γάμος, γέρος
- x ~ ç: χάμω, χελιδόνι
- ɟ [the palatalised allophone of ɡ]: αγγίζω
- ð, θ: δέντρο, θάμνος
- r: ρέμα (people really don’t deal well with trills)
- Initial clusters like ks, ps, vl, vr, ðr, ðj, ɣl, ɣr: ξέρω, ψέμα, βλέπω, βρίσκω, δράμα, διάνα, γλόμπος, γράμμα
Answered 2017-08-14 · Upvoted by
Steve Rapaport, Linguistics PhD candidate at Edinburgh. Has lived in USA, Sweden, Italy, UK.