Thx4A2A, Sofia. No idea why you asked, which makes it all the more flattering.
I have a high tolerance of repetition in music in general.
OTOH, I am old, I am old, I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled; so I know very little of music after 1995. You are young, Sofia; one day you will understand.
(You know that horrifying moment when you realise you’ve turned into your dad? Yeah. «Έχεις πολλάάάάά να μάθεις ακόμα»: “Son, you’ve got a lot to learn…”)
But of recent songs, I think Uptown Funk counts as something I could listen to on loop for hours. Mostly, of course, because it sounds like the music I grew up with.
Make a dragon wanna retire, man.
In fact, I think I’ll put it on loop now…