Language switch: What is the meaning of “καμπινα” in this sentence?

More context needed.

ρέστα means “left overs” or “loose change”; it’s from Italian and corresponds to “(the) rest” in English.

In this context, though, if what they said was

I go to my ρέστα room, inside to καμπίνα

I’m suspecting it’s a borrowing of rest room,  given that καμπινέ (< French cabinet) is a word for “toilet”.

Do I need a licence to play music on street in Greece and is playing “Mana Mou Ellas” ok for Greeks?


Given the context of the song in the movie Rembetiko (film), you might want to reconsider. Then again, I dunno, maybe not: my fellow Greeks who have also answered the question don’t seem to be bothered. It is about how Greece does not take care of Greeks, like a mother mistreating her children, and is instead distracted by illusions of ancient grandeur. In the movie it alludes to the collapse of the Megali Idea. Which happened in Turkey.

It’s a great song, and it’s a very political song. But while Greeks can be very self-critical, they dislike hearing the same criticisms from others, and I’d think Turks repeating those criticisms could be a bit much.

Here’s my translation btw: That Big Fake Talk

My opinion notwithstanding, I’m very happy to hear of your tour, and I wish you all success. I’d say it in Rumeyka, but I’d get it wrong…