How about: [DELETED]
Why do my Quora posts always get criticized by people?
I tell the truth about QM and GR. But why do my posts always get criticized by retards like <name1 redacted> & <name2 redacted> , brainwashed fucktards like <name3 redacted> & <name4 redacted> , bitches like <name5 redacted> and the grand cunt Jackass <name6 redacted> (good riddance). Why?
This of course being an anonymous question by “Mike Cavedon”, who has successfully stalked Jack Fraser off of Quora: In the words of the Terminator…I’ll Be Back! by Jack Fraser on Jack’s Miscellany. With questions such as these about “QM” and “GR”.
So. None of us can follow or comment on our anonymous questions any more. But people who send blackmail threats and hound users off Quora can continue to pose questions like this anonymously.
How well is the “new anonymity” policy on Quora working at filtering out bad content, as of April 6, 2017?
And I’m compelled to point out that Riley Patterson put his name against this statement:
Upcoming Changes to Anonymity on Quora by Riley Patterson on Quora Product Updates
All anonymous content will be reviewed for spam and harassment before receiving distribution.
He put his name against this statement.