Spurious deletion claims, #2



That is correct. I had the same problem as Brooke Taylor. Beth Liang got deleted too. This is my new account.


Oh, and here’s the confirmation of the lack of my consent.

The middle message was written by me. The bottom message wasn’t.


I got the Stephen Treatment. ~300 followers, deleted today, new account. I think I got hacked.

Can’t comment on collapsed answers

EDIT: ignore this, faulty assumption. Thank you Hailey Winters.

Paul Wilson’s answer to What is it like for an American to live in Australia?

No comment link for me, even when I open the answer in its own window. Comments are otherwise back in my feed.

A left-over bug from the earlier disappearance of comments? (Which we will now assume was a bug, yes?) A deliberate decision?

An argument for putting some sort of QA between the developer and deployment, which has been a Quora hallmark since 2013?

Why Continuous Deployment Sucks Without Continuous QA

2017–06–29: Susan Bertolino

Susan Bertolino. Profile Bio:

Note: I’m taking a break from Quora. No one has offended me. I am not angry with anyone here. I am having some personal issues which require me to separate myself. I am having some difficulties that I need to sort out in my head and a few other places. I hope to be back by the beginning of Season 7 for Game of Thrones, as I’m sure I will have plenty to contribute. I wish you all well. I will leave you with some pictures of my two cats:

Take care of yourselves, everyone and see you soon.