See links in Nick Nicholas’ answer to Why does Quora permit foul language?
It used to, five years ago: What is the guideline on the use of profanity on Quora?
See Marc Bodnick’s answer to What is the guideline on the use of profanity on Quora? [Originally Answered: Is profanity a violation of the Be Nice rule?] (2011, incorporated into Answer Wiki)
Users should avoid unnecessary profanity.
Tracey Bryan’s answer to Why aren’t rules guiding the use of profanity enforced more on Quora? (2012)
Quora has a policy against profanity: What is the guideline on the use of profanity on Quora?
The reviewers and admins will thus edit questions, or collapse answers, which are in contravention to this policy, but they can’t be everywhere.
Quora appears not to any more. As witnessed by all the Top Writers since 2013 answering questions like this with variations of “FUCK no, ahahahahahaha!!!!11!!!11”. Starting with:
Dan Holliday’s answer to What is the guideline on the use of profanity on Quora? [Originally Answered: Is it appropriate to use curse words in your answers in Quora?] (2013)
If not, then I’m in big fucking trouble.
Here’s an answer from seven years ago, on why using the Q&A format to publish Quora policy guarantees this kind of confusion when policy changes—or indeed policy at all:
Dogfooding is all well and good but Quora deciding to put its charter documents in the same Q&A system as everything else means that they’re fragmented and may as well not exist for new users.
Do read the rest of that answer and weep, btw.