Is language production very important in order to be good at reading comprehension in classical or biblical languages?

It certainly is not regarded by most language teachers as important. Latin and Greek prose composition, which required students to produce original text (even if as a pastiche of Thucydides or Caesar) was huge a century ago, and I get the impression is extinct now. There are some ancient Greek text books that trying to teach the language like any modern language, immersively and with students conversing in the language before reading it. But they are in the minority.

Is the contemporary avoidance of production correct? My hunch is, you have a slightly better understanding of the nuances underlying syntactic or lexical choices in passages, if you yourself have had to go through them in language production.

But it is only a slight advantage, and most people learning classical languages now probably don’t need that level of nuanced understanding anyway. After all, they can always read one of the many translations around if that’s what they’re really after.

Be Nice, Be Respectful (Quora policy). Be nice to whom? Be respectful to whom?

At minimum, other users on Quora, per the letter of the policy.

Quora’s answer to What is Quora’s “Be Nice, Be Respectful” policy?

Increasingly, it appears from Moderation decisions, also public figures who are not already users on Quora:

Habib Fanny: BNBR against public figures not on Quora by Nick Nicholas on The Insurgency

See in particular the comments to that report.

See also Quora Moderation — Election Season PSA by Marc Bodnick on The Quora Moderation Blog—which first announced that not being nice and respectful to political candidates was unacceptable. The rationale for this being that abusive criticism of political leaders makes Quora an unwelcoming space for those leaders’ supporters.