I’d hate to think that I’ll get her in trouble by writing this. But.
Sihem Soibinet-Fekih is the International Writer Relations—French staff from Quora. Meaning, she’s the Jonathan Brill of French Quora.
I don’t spend a lot of time on the non-English Quoras, because my non-English languages are not that good (there isn’t going to be a Greek Quora), and because my backlog is ongoing and is on English Quora. But I have been consistently impressed with how Sihem has done her job.
I posed on Quora French, a few days back, the question:
(What was the French Quora community’s reaction to the removal of question details?)
And then went away. It’s been a busy week on the Insurgency, after all.
Pretty promptly after that, Sihem followed the question.
… Can you imagine Brill following that question?
I expect no response from Sihem. And I’m not writing this to get one.
But, Sihem, merci infiniment. Vous avez confirmée le raison de mon respect envers vous.