“My dear, esteemed Novosibirsk! Me and Arkhangelsk have been thinking you really need a new iPhone!”

Why are most poems written with rhymes?

As Jakobson once said, though artlessly,
poetry claims th’ axis of combination.
The repertoire of sounds, in crafty array,
are how the Muse stakes her signification.
Without form woven in sonority,
poetry loses its essential claim:
ends up as prose with gilded metaphor,
but does not merit the enchanter’s name.

The Homeoteleuton as a device
was known to Greeks as such a mechanism,
who had recourse to it; but other means
drew their attention more— like metered rhythm.
The Irish used it too; but it would seem
that rhyme emerged from out of Andalus
into the veins of European verse,
as its main anchor through form-moulding use.

Some now deem it passé, but let them look
to craft sound still. Else, they can shove their book.

What song/music makes you feel euphoric?

I was going to write my own question:

What kind of music makes you want to do a Snoopy Dance?

The answer for me is Dixieland Jazz. Don’t even care what the song is; the Dionysian untrammelled polyphonic joy of it just makes me want to stick my snout in the air, spread my arms, and bob my head from side to side.

Did so in the car yesterday, in fact.

Utterly random instance. I DEFY you to resist doing your own Snoopy Dance.

What is the rate limit when you get this message on Quora, “Sorry, you have exceeded the rate limit for creating posts.”?

I just got it for 10 posts in half an hour.

Per https://www.quora.com/Who-has-th… , looks like it blocks for 2–3 days. Was blocked for4.5 days now; appealed through bug report (and thanks to Tatiana Estévez for investigating).

In my instance, the block applied to all posts I owned, and was deemed a bug. If you get this, a bug report is the way to go; but stop short anyway of 10 posts per… I dunno, hour? day?

What is likely on the missing part of the Nixon Tapes?

More of the same. We have Haldeman’s notes of his meeting with Nixon, and we have forensic proof that we aren’t missing any of his notes for the day. Nixon was clearly starting to talk about coverup, but would not yet have elaborated the whole CIA National Security lie.

Nixon didn’t wipe the tape because it was more incriminating than the Smoking Gun tape. He wiped it because it was the first tape he got hold of, and he was defeated by the challenge of wiping them, as a long-standing klutz.