Generalising from “perks” to “functionality”:
- Old-time Quorans who were involved in moderation, and others that Quora has so designated, are Trusted Reporters: Trusted Reporting (Quora feature). They can insta-collapse answers when they report them, but they are not otherwise moderators. See Moderation at Scale: Distributing Power to More People by Marc Bodnick on The Quora Blog; How do you tell if you are a trusted reporter?.
- A number of Quorans each year are designated as Top Writers: Top Writers (Quora program), Top Question Writers (Quora program). They get a badge on their profile, and what Stephanie Vardavas mentions: Stephanie Vardavas’ answer to What perks are offered to only some people on Quora?
- More popular writers don’t get explicit perks from Quora that we know of, and any implicit perks are the subject of (typically resentful) speculation. For example, I’ve heard claims both that they are given more of a pass from moderation, as MVPs or old friends—and that they are given more scrutiny from moderation, as having more eyeballs descend on them.