How does the Necrologue work?

Guidelines for this blog by Nick Nicholas on Necrologue

I solicit personal messages from users, to let me know who’s been banned or blocked: How does Nick Nicholas keep track of all those Quora users who are banned, edit blocked, deactivated, etc?

  • This blog will publish notifications as they come to the editor’s attention.
  • This information must be independently verifiable (big red banner on their profile; posting by the user indicating that they are leaving Quora; notice of edit blocking in user log).
  • Posts on this blog will only name the users in question. Speculation about why people have been banned or blocked will not be entertained. If I find what could be construed as speculation or BNBR violations, I will invite commenters to delete their comments.
  • No value judgement about why people have been banned will be entertained. Some people may well have deserved it. Maybe even most. Some may not. But the purpose of this blog is to raise visibility of moderator actions; not to protest it.
  • BNBR applies in comments.

See also Category definitions by Nick Nicholas on Necrologue for the kinds of user status tracked. As of April,

  • Deactivation notices will not be published by default to Necrologue. The community is invited to submit such notices to Argologue instead.

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