I’ve tried to limit the people I follow to Dunbar’s number of 150, and failed. I’m at 368; I’m very circumspect nowadays about adding more people. But yes, I have lost track, and I doubt anyone with more than 150 hasn’t.
I have kept track of my regulars; they feature on Opɯdʒɯlɯklɑr In Exile in the “I love youse all” series, and they are added to as I go. 60 so far in the series, and there will be more. In fact, I probably have kept track of… oh, I dunno… 150 of the 368? 🙂
Why I followed them? I’m a lot worse at that. I only remember a couple of Why-I-followeds, as opposed to Why-I-keep-followings. I remember well that I followed Dimitra Triantafyllidou, because we started by yelling at each other about the provenance of Greek-speakers in Western Turkey. I know that I followed Sam Murray, because they messaged me first, with a joyfulness that came quite out of nowhere. I vaguely recollect that I noticed Michael Masiello posting about obscure music (Alkan), and I dug his style. Chrys Jordan snared me with his post on the Cryptocracy: Chrys Jordan’s answer to What if Quora were a country?.
But many of them, I just saw around, often as friends of friends, often in topics I focus on, and I liked what they had to say. I’ve been rewarded for it. I’m hazy as to how it started, but I’m glad it’s continued.