The Decalogue of Nick

I’ve been contemplating writing about who I am here for a little while. Partly because it’s some overdue self-therapy, as I’m in an odd place now in life—at something of a turning point. Partly because I’m making new friends here, who don’t actually know that much about who I am.

The pretext for this came up at Nick Nicholas’ answer to Who is Nick Nicholas?, a question I will once again thank Pegah Esmaili for—even though I did go asking for it at Nick Nicholas’ answer to Who is Michael Koeberg?

There will be a post on here for each of the following:

  1. The Decalogue of Nick #1: I’m Greek-Australian.
  2. The Decalogue of Nick #2: I’ve trained as a linguist, and I have done computational linguistics stuff.
  3. The Decalogue of Nick #3: I work in schools IT policy.
  4. The Decalogue of Nick #4: Long history of engagement with artificial languages.
  5. The Decalogue of Nick #5: I’m a middle-aged cishet man, recently married, no kids.
  6. The Decalogue of Nick #6: Loud as a poor coverup for shyness, and with one’s usual share of psychological baggage.
  7. The Decalogue of Nick #7: I play the mandolin badly and the violin worse.
  8. The Decalogue of Nick #8: Politically centre-left blah.
  9. Culturally Christian but Atheist.
  10. I post too much here.

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