What made Michaelis Maus even more attracted to himself when he noticed (only) latent tendencies towards pretension on the internet?

This question was disfluent in its English when first asked—

Michaelis Maus, what made you even more attracted to yourself when you noticed (only) latent pretending tendencies on the internet?

then mangled by Quora Content Review—

What made Michaelis Maus even more attracted to themselves when you noticed (only) latent pretending tendencies on the internet?

then, remarked on by Michaelis, and then lobbed over by Michaelis to me; I have an occasional, distant fan relation with Michaelis, because I try not to inhale. (John Walton has more of a symbiosis.)

The wording is still confusing; I’ve tried to clean it up.

What made Michaelis Maus even more attracted to himself when he noticed (only) latent tendencies towards pretension on the internet?

Is it online pretence or pretension that is supposed to have made Michaelis even more of a nihilistic narcissist? And why is that I’m supposed to know the answer?

Let’s speculate. What would make Michaelis even more of a bad seed through online interaction?

If Michaelis has seen people be pretentious online, he has discerned that they have feeble grounds to be pretentious about, and he can be pretentious with much more class and conviction. Who of the pretentious wears his fashion like he does? Who knows the ins and outs of an Oxford shirt as intimately? Who can twirl his moustache so non-chalantly? Who can ruminate so debonairly on the impracticalities of containing his titanic schlong within his life partner’s purloined briefs?

If Michaelis has seen people adopt pretence online, he prides himself on being able to see through it. People enslave themselves to strictures of convention; he sees through it. People hide who they are because they fear censure; he sees through it. People deny what they want and claim what they aren’t and preach what they can’t; he sees through it. He merrily quizzes his dealer’s security about whether they’d like to earn some extra cash, ridding the world of one more poseur; poses, and comes up with a new apophthegm for the ages.

Michaelis Maus’ answer to What is one thing popular Quorans would like to say to their followers?

Stop reading my writing and start thinking for yourself; after all, what is morality but violence ossified by history?


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