Did Richard Nixon have a “nap hour” while he was president of the United States?

Yes. He didn’t admit to it, but he’d block off time in his calendar in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, away from the White House, where he’d spend time thinking. Some of that thinking did indeed involve him having his eyes closed and snoring.

Here’s the first three links I find from Google Books:

Zeibura undertakes some archaeology

This is not a drawing I drew. This is a drawing the most excellent Zeibura S. Kathau drew, demonstrating that just as he is no amateur linguist, he is also no amateur surrealist.

As often happens with these cartoons, the artist gatecrashed banter between Quorans.

The banter started here: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Lat…

Robert Todd:

Jeebus. Remind me never to pick a fight with you in an Indo-European language. You didn’t like Grammatikos as a nickname, so I was going to tag “morphology” to dub you “Morphophilios.” But then it hit me. In psychiatric practice, morphophilia “refers to the gaining of sexual pleasure and ‘arousal from a person with a different physique’ whereas a definition provided by the less academic Quipper website says it is simply the ‘love of odd body shapes.’”


Nothing odd about the body shape that I… oh, never mind. Though you know what I’m alluding to 🙂

I’ll take Grammaticus! Puts me in the same company as Saxo Grammaticus.

[Whatever I’m alluding to, it’s not as bad as you’re thinking 🙂 ]



2100 and archaeologists in county Mayo uncover evidence of Nick Nicholas and Robert Todd having banter in Old Irish

What are some good memes about the coup attempt in Turkey, July 2016?

OP, asked because I saw these in my Facebook feed:

Before: Under PASOK. After: Under SYRIZA.

Come back! Or at least give me a call!

Add me! I’ve been blocked!

[Erdoğan citing a Greek pop song about Lara Novakov’s favourite holiday destination]

I’m seeking asylum in Chalkidiki.
Because “there’s no place like Chalkidiki.”

What are all the animal forms that Zeus took in Greek Mythology?

Lucian Dialogues of the Gods has Zeus speaking to Eros:

The pranks you have played me! Satyr, bull, swan, eagle, shower of gold — I have been everything in my time; and I have you to thank for it.

Those are the most famous ones

  • Bull: Europa
  • Swan: Leda
  • Shower of gold: Danae
  • Satyr: Antiope
  • Eagle: Ganymede

Theoi Greek Mythology & the Greek Gods is a wonderful encyclopaedia of Greek Mythology, and going through it we can add:

LOVES OF ZEUS 1 : Greek mythology; LOVES OF ZEUS 2 : Greek mythology; LOVES OF ZEUS 3 : Greek mythology

  • Demeter: snake
  • Persephone: serpentine drakon
  • Mnemosyne: shepherd
  • Nemesis: swan
  • Asteria: eagle (Ovid)
  • Aegina: eagle
  • Alcmene: Alcmene’s husband
  • Eurymedousa: ant
    • ?!
  • Callisto: Artemis
  • Phthia: dove

… Ant?!

(Credit: PortalComic on DeviantArt)

I want to build Quora-like website for my local language. Will this violate the copyrights of Quora?

FWIW, Quora have not sued Zhihu, and Zhihu did copy Quora at the start—though they have diverged since, and there are different community cultures involved. See responses in:

How does the Chinese Q&A website Zhihu compare to Quora?

Why does the third generation of Greek immigrants in Belgium use only French, while their counterparts in Germany speak excellent Greek?

Really, the question boils down to, why are Greeks in Belgium assimilating faster than Greeks in Germany.

At a guess, critical mass: lots more Greeks in Germany, so much more community life, much more community use of Greek.

I don’t know enough to speculate further, and I invite others to. Other factors could include:

  • Demographics of the migrant groups. If, say, the German Greeks are all factory workers, and the Belgian Greeks are all European Union functionaries, then the German Greeks will have more cultural, social, and ideological blockers to assimilation, and the Belgian Greeks will have fewer. (I have no idea if that is the case.)
  • Attitudes of the host population. If, say, Belgians all bed Greeks as a competitive sport, whereas Germans avoid Greeks in the street, there will be less assimilation on the German side. (I’m reasonably sure that’s not the case. But Germany did assume that Greek migrants, like Turkish migrants were all guest workers who were going to go away, and to everyone’s surprise they never did. If the assumption was not in place in Belgium, there would have been less resistance to assimilation.)

Why are there no Most Viewed Writer tags for the classical composers like Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart when there are for bathrooms?

How many followers does a topic need to have on Quora in order to have its own Most Viewed Writers section?

Quora: Why do some topics not have a ‘Most Viewed Writers’ section?

Why do some famous topics on Quora does not have most viewed writers category?

Likely, a matter of critical mass for the algorithm to start assigning MVW, rather than a human deciding it. Tag more Bach questions with Bach if they aren’t already, to encourage the visibility of the Bach topic, and eventually the MVW may follow…

Who composed the National Hymn of Palestine. Not an Arab?

There’s plenty of evidence online that Arafat got Mikis Theodorakis to write A National Hymn of Palestine, when he visited Greece in 1981:

It’s also quite clear that this anthem, which online evidence says had lyrics by Mahmoud Darwish and was presented in Algiers in 1988, is not the current national anthem of the Palestinian Authority.

Frustratingly, I can’t find any details online about what Mikis’ anthem was. But it’s neither Fida’i/Biladi, the current anthem, nor Mawtini, the old unofficial anthem.

What do Quora users think of Quora Product Management?

A2A by Steven de Guzman (or, as I like to think of him, Lazarus, only Lazarus was only brought back to life once).

I don’t have much to add. I mean, I likely do, but Scott Welch (the Scourge of the Mensa Members of Mountain View) would put it much more insightfully than me.

First Quora user meeting for me by Nick Nicholas on Opɯdʒɯlɯklɑr In Exile

Feifei Wang is a Quora user too. And she has an astonishingly perceptive take on Quora product management here:

Feifei Wang’s answer to What is your review of the new Quora Product Update which enables a focused reading page from your feed? (17.6.2016)

Should I change my surname when I get married? My name means a lot to me. I’m educated and have started a career, but more so I worry I will feel my identity is lost without it. My fiancé doesn’t mind either way, but I can’t decide.

Odd you’d A2A me, Anon. But OK.

I didn’t change my name once married, as it happens. I’m rather attached to Nick Nicholas.

My wife didn’t change it either. She had changed it on her first marriage; she’d gotten used to the new surname, and her professional identity was bound up in it. She now also uses my surname, but only in very limited contexts. In fact, Facebook and Quora are it; and she’s not on Quora much.