Jordan Yates has just posted On TWs and 20K by Jordan Yates on Jordan Yates’s Blog. With the laudable conclusion
I’m not here to be a Top Writer or to get followers. I just want to write.
This is true. The quill and the followers are gravy.
Though I’ve written stuff in a vacuum for years: my academic papers, with no audience and no recognition. And that’s why I’m not writing academic papers any more.
Anyway. I’m not writing about the quill here, I’ve said too much already. But just as Jordan has just hit 20K followers with no quill, I have just hit 2K followers, with no quill.
To celebrate me (not that many will see this): I don’t track followers any more, too many of you for it to be feasible. Anyone reading this that I haven’t interacted with already: why are you following me? And what would like to see more or less of?