What the blocks would be added to Unicode 10.0?

Roadmaps to Unicode lists the blocks that are in the process of being added to Unicode; the approval process needs to be sync’d with ISO, for those countries that prefer a non-commercial standard, and takes a few years.

The green blocks as of this writing, which are the furthest progressed, are:

  • In Plane 0 Syriac Supplmental: http://www.unicode.org/L2/L2015/…, Cyrillic Extended C: http://std.dkuug.dk/JTC1/SC2/WG2…
  • In Plane 1: Osage, Newa, Mongolian Supplemental, Dogra, Zanzabar Square, Soyombo, Bhaisksuki, Marchen, Masaram Gondi, Gunjala Gondi, Makasar, Tamil Supplemental, Medefaidrin, Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation, Tangut Ideographs, Tangut Components, Nushu, Glagolitic Supplemental, Adlam, Indic Siyaq Numbers
  • In Plane 2: CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F

Unicode won’t add extended blocks just because it can. My area of expertise, such as it is, is Greek, and I was explicitly asked by Unicode to check that there was nothing else left to include. There will not be a Greek Extended-B.

What does Quora plan to do with the vandal who keeps vandalizing questions on Islam?

One week on: still happening, now to https://www.quora.com/What-would…. Several of us have been edit-warring Anonymous McPusBoil, who is now pouncing on reverts and undoing them as soon as they happen. Rather chillingly, McPusBoil snorted today to Deniz Ali:


“We can do this all day son”

What Quora could do (as has been suggested several times) is ban anonymous users from editing questions or topics.

But of course, suggesting feature improvements to Quora seems as effective as reporting question vandalism…

Is Melkart & Iraklis the same divinity?

Only through Interpretatio graeca, the charming Greek tendency to assume that all non-Greek divinities were actually Greek divinities with funny names.


Melqart (Phoenician: U0001090cU0001090bU0001090aU00010912U00010913U00010915, lit. Melek-qart, “King of the City”; Akkadian: Milqartu) was the tutelary god of the Phoenician city of Tyre. Melqart was often titled Ba‘l Ṣūr, “Lord of Tyre”, and considered to be the ancestor of the Tyrian royal family. In Greek, by interpretatio graeca he was identified with Heracles and referred to as the Tyrian Herakles.